Perception is reality. In other words, the way we see things creates our reality. If we believe everyone is against us, we will find proof of that. If we expect good things to happen, we find those things. Our reality and perceptions are our paradigm.
Activity to Do:
To help student leaders to understand this concept, use two different pairs of glasses frames. Call one pair of lenses the negative paradigm glasses, and the other pair the positive paradigm glasses. Model for the students how thoughts can be different about the same situation. Example: recess.
*Put on the negative glasses. Say things like:
No one ever wants to play with me at recess.
Kids don't even play kickball, they just fight over whose turn it is.
I hate how loud it is.
*Put on the positive glasses. Say things like:
There are always different activities I can choose from at recess.
I love to play kickball. When we disagree it gives us a chance to practice working things out.
I like listening to all of the laughing, talking and shouting.
*Have students create a list of situations. Let them take turns trying on the different pairs of paradigm glasses and making comments.
Once students understand the concept, it gives a new tool for talking to them. You can say things like, Right now you are seeing the situation through one pair of glasses. Try putting on a different pair of glasses and think about this situation some more.
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