In keeping with this week's theme of World Cup Soccer, here is another inspirational soccer story. Before using this clip with student leaders, have them fold a piece of scrap paper in half. At the top of the sheet they should write the word "Yes" on one side of the fold, and "No" on the other side. Tell students you are going to read a list of activities to them. If they think it is an activity that a child with one leg could do, they should put a mark in the "Yes" column. If they think it is an activity a child with one leg could not do, they should mark the "No" column. Here is the list: read, color, basketball, sing, swim, sled, ice skate, blow out birthday candles, decorate a Christmas tree, roller skate, gymnastics, score a soccer goal. Out of the 12 possible activities, how many "Yes" marks do they have? Have them compare their answer with a neighbor and discuss their reasoning.
After watching the video, they will realize that they should have all 12 activities marked in the "Yes" column. Proactive people show their strength by being in charge of their thoughts and actions. How would a person with one leg need to show strength with thoughts? Actions? Would Nico have accomplished as much if he had felt sorry for himself and told himself that life is not fair? Why would a company want to use Nico to advertise a product like Powerade? For more information, go to this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/207785779240060/
Use this link: https://youtu.be/L1oGSarjM0M?si=S9UjebKrNUAN4esp