click here for video and watch number 5
There are lots of great ideas of how to use this concept and video in the classroom!
Try making a banner that says, "The Power of One," then have these categories displayed beneath it:
1. The video starts with phrases such as...
"One song can spark a moment."
"One tree can start a forest."
"One smile begins a friendship."
Have your leaders write their own "One" phrases. For those who do best with a scaffold, let them
try this: One _____________ can ______________ a ________________.
2. Another section of the video has phrases that start with the word "Be." For example...
"Be bold."
"Be proud."
"Be yourself."
What a great way to start a school year. Instead of writing a list of "Don'ts" for students, have
them create a list of how they want to be.
3. The last section of the video gives verbs...
Have students find the verbs that they think are the most important for living life. It is a great way
to get them paying attention to parts of speech in the dictionary and at the same time, helps them
think of how to take action in this world.
What do
you do to teach the power of one?